Copyright © Rad Karabiowski
Design by Dzignine

Welcome to Yorkshire

Unit 1 & 12

Task 1A: Welcome to Yorkshire (God's Own County) , it's got more to offer than you think!

Yorkshire features over 800 attractions, from World Heritage Sites to mining museums, ruined castles and abbeys, to hands on museums. You'll find serene gardens and unique breweries, thrilling rides and industrial heritage. From attractions and museums to sports and galleries, from the history-lover to the inquisitive child, there's something for everyone.

Why should we be proud of Yorkshire?

  • We have Yorkshire puddings
  • We have one of most interesting architecture in Britain (Bradford)
  • Many famous people come from Yorkshire
  • Yorkshire is largest county in England
  • Leeds, York and the coastal resort of Scarborough are in the top ten most visited English Towns by UK residents
  • Leeds is one of the fastest growing cities in the UK with a population of 771, 000, generating a fifth of the region's tourism economy.
  • Yorkshire & Humber have the largest concentration of food and drink businesses in the UK, contributing £1.7 billion to the regional economy.
  • Yorkshire has over 2,600 ancient monuments of national importance (14% of the England total), 800 conservation areas and 116 registered parks and gardens (each 8% of the England total).
  • Bradford was unofficially known as the centre of the ‘Industrial revolution’ becoming known as the “wool capital of the world” – helped by a plentiful supply of soft water needed for washing wool.

In my own opinion the best attraction located in Yorkshire in Yorkshire Dales. I think that because I had a chance to spend week exploring that fabulous landmark.

Let's not forget about Tour De France passing through Yorkshire!  - [Click for more info]

Task 1B: Yorkshire Documentaries

Manhunt: The Search for the Yorkshire Ripper

This documentary is about Peter Sutcliffe, serial killer from Bradford who brutally killed 13 women between 1975 and 1980. This documentary is made in a very serious way and it's very well representing physical grimness of the interviewees and the ugliness of the locations as (expand). It also reflects struggle which Yorkshire Police had to overcome to catch this vile psycho. 

 Make Bradford British

Make Bradford British is a documentary based on multicultural aspect of one the biggest cities in Yorkshire. It looks at the level of integration between Muslim and non-Muslim communities in Bradford. 

Task 2A: Job Roles within film and documentary making

What goes into creating a film or documentary?

You can't make a film without having appropriate people working on it unless you are a freelancer but achieving industry standards by yourself would be pretty much impossible. It takes different people who approach different roles whilst making the film. I did a research and found a lot of roles to consider.
  • Directors
  • Producers
  • Camera Operators
  • Designers 
  • Light Operators
  • Costume Designers
  • Make-up Artists
  • SFX Supervisors
  • Stunt Coordinators
  • Production Sound Mixers
  • Post-Producers
  • Animators
There are different directors and operators for different roles as well. Why do we need that much people? The answer is simple, it's efficient and boosts overall production. For a big budget film you need couple of cameramen to shoot from different angles as it would be time consuming to keep moving one camera around and repeat the scenes few times. Few directors would be needed to oversee creative aspects of the film and make sure each role is done properly. Producers would be needed to arrange things such as rising funding, hiring key personnel etc.

For me most important people would be screenwriters, directors and producers because you can't have a script without a screenwriter, you can't have appropriate staff without producer and you can't have things organised and reviewed without a director. It's obvious that when making a documentary film you wouldn't need as many people but large proportion would still be necessary to make production run smooth.

If I were going to have a role in a film I would love to become a Post-Producer / SFX person as those are things I am most skilled and interested in. I have a broad knowledge in using Adobe Premiere Pro as well as other Adobe programs which I got from having my own YouTube channel which I did video remakes on.

Task 2B: Equipment needs in film and documentary making

As much as you need correct people for your film, you also need correct equipment. There are two major types of equipment to consider: Hardware, which will allow you to record scenes and sound for your film and Software which will be "responsible" for editing finished clips and putting everything together.  Like in task above, I did a research and I found mostly used equipment when making a film.

  • Cameras
  • Lights
  • Microphones
  • Tripods
  • Video Editing DAW (Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro, Sony Vegas)
  • Sound Editor (Adobe Audition)
  • Video Compositor (Adobe After Effects)

The industry standard cameras were 16mm and 35mm but now film makers use digital cameras such as RED cameras and Canon DSLR's. For our documentary we will by using two Canons 650d as they are small and provide excellent Full HD quality.  

1 Minute YouTube challenge!

In this task we had about one minute to record a film which will somehow represent Yorkshire. 
My attempt to it is not the best of my standard as it was NOT planned. :(
At least I managed to explore new editing technique which is freely named as "Bounce to the beat"
It uses quick screen zoom to represent bass in the song.

Next time I will plan my work completely which means I will make a plan, shooting schedule and use appropriate equipment such as tripod or other DSLR mount. My other consideration is changing shooting scene (night maybe?) and location. 

My other related work (Task 3)

Throughout the course I managed to capture plenty of videos which are presented below.

This video is made from clips I shoot on my first college filming session. It was also my first attempt to use Premiere Pro and in my own opinion production went pretty well. My previous experience with similar programs gave me an ahead start. 

I have used variety of editing skills such as flashy transitions, cuts, animation, music syncing etc. 
I am sure this kind of "experiments" will help me in future with my own projects. (I have a cool one in my head ;))

When we received the briefing my "our" initial idea was to make a mockumentary about foreign person who flew over to visit Yorkshire. I were going to be that person but not everyone agreed on that idea so we decided to change it. [Plans]

Research into Yorkshire and its culture lead me to get more clues as I am foreign person living in UK for more and less 6 years. Documentaries I could find on the web were sadly representing negative aspects of Yorkshire but it gave me a lot into what happened and a reason behind it. So it reflected on my personal knowledge rather than better understanding of my project.

When it came to researching different job roles my most interest was to be an editor because I have strong skills with visuals and editing. In fact that is my dream future career.

Equipment I have used is was mostly Canon 650D DSLR, Rode microphone and a tripod. I have also explored videography / photography using Fuji-film bridge camera.